
Printerous started its journey as a platform to print photo books and framed pictures out of your instagram. Soon the brand became well-known as the users find the interface easy to use and friendly.

Over the years, the brand kept growing, based on their simplicity promise, the keep innovating new services that help people to turn their ideas into reality. Whether it’s a mug with your family picture for Grandma’s Christmas present (not ugly sweaters though), or packaging ideas for your home-made panna cotta business, all the way to a complete business solution through their Printerous Pro platform.

Therefore it was logical for us to think of an identity that speaks simplicity as a part of their rebranding journey. The final identity is formed from a single dot to represent the client's idea, followed by a rounded P to represent the first letter of the brand in a continuous manner to illustrate the smooth and pleasant journey of turning your idea into reality with Printerous. ⁠⁠ (10).gif (8).gif


As an extended application of the new brand identity for Printerous, a stationery set is developed to communicate the simplicity of turning your idea into reality with Printerous. ⁠⁠
One of the key consideration while working on this rebranding task is to maintain familiarity of the brand during the transition, and we decided the Printerous blue is something to retain, with a touch of gradient to convey freshness. ⁠⁠
To maintain continuity of the brand, an icon set was developed with the same construct as the logo: everything starts with the dot, a speck of idea, and manifested into something else. ⁠⁠


