
Sustainability has always been a hot topic, and everyone seems to be taking their own part to ensure a sustainable future. Nusantics is no exception, however, instead of looking at the obvious macro solutions such as waste management or resource management, Nusantics looks at what happens under the microscope.

A microcosm that consists of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms that plays a bigger role in sustainability than we think. Enter the genomics technology that will help us balance the microbiome populating the earth (and our body) in pursuit of a sustainable future.



You think this is a huge idea to digest and comprehend? We think so too. Therefore our approach to build this brand is to simplify things.

Nusantics introduces microbiome and genomics technology through personal care products, although they will do more than just that in the future. We set off to create a master logo for them in a simple fashion, using only basic rounded shape for approachability, and paired with a vibrant orange color to signify the life sciences behind it.

To represent the ideas, a series of illustrations are created to walk through the concept of microbiome to the public. (1).gif